What Are Some Facts About Invisalign Braces?

 If you are thinking about having braces and considering Invisalign braces as an option, you may have many questions that come up to your mind. Teeth straightening is tough, and Invisalign can be a good option compared to traditional braces. Although Invisalign has pros and cons, they are better than metallic braces. They are invisible, so the name denoted Invisible braces.


Although there are no other alternatives for metal braces, like ceramic and lingual (behind the teeth), they are still commonly made of metal and attached to the teeth's surface. Metal wires and elastic bands are fastened to the brackets to move your teeth and address orthodontic issues. Before you go through the treatment, consult your Invisalign dentist in Houston about Invisalign and ask whether you are a good candidate for Invisalign. There are many cases in which metal braces are better than Invisalign. Discuss with your dentist and learn more about pediatric dentist houston.


Here are some facts that you should know about Invisalign:


Compared to conventional wire and bracket braces, Invisalign braces are removable. This means that as long as you remove the invisible aligners from your mouth, you can consume everything you want to eat or drink, but place the aligners carefully in its case. Additionally, you can use mouthwash, floss, and clean your teeth while removing them. Many grownups will find this more convenient. While you are receiving treatment, there is no need to change your diet and no need to stop yourself from eating your favorite food. This is one of the key reasons why this kind of aligner is so frequently suggested by dentists who practice orthodontics.

Fast and Efficient

The big difference is Invisalign is a faster treatment than traditional braces. It is simply efficient and fast, which is why many people opt for Invisalign. It straightens your teeth faster without being noticeable, and they are a nearly-invisible option for straightening your teeth. Many people see visible results in 2-3 months.


Little Discomfort

Invisalign does not discomfort you and is a smooth and comfortable treatment to treat your teeth. Compared to metal braces, they are much more comfortable. Metal braces have wires that can irritate the skin and can cause mouth ulcers sometimes.

Invisalign is Custom-Made

Invisalign is designed mainly for your teeth as they are custom-made. The dentist will take the impression of your teeth and create the Invisalign that fits perfectly to your teeth. A series of aligners are created that you will change out about every two weeks. Invisalign treatment near me uses clear, plastic aligners that make it less noticeable.

A Slight Lisp

Many claim they have a slight lisp or sound different during the treatment's first two weeks. But it is not the worry point. As soon as you become comfortable, you will be used to it.

Rubber bands

Since each Invisalign case is different, some may need orthodontic rubber bands, which are applied similarly to metal braces.

In Conclusion:

If you are considering Invisalign treatment, then talk to your dentist about Invisalign clear aligners. Schedule an appointment and take advantage of clear Aligners.


Article source : https://www.articleaffiliate.com/what-are-some-facts-about-invisalign-braces/



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